Greetings Sunbeamers! Thank you for another great year! I know that’s what we say every year in our annual letters, but we feel it’s well worth repeating. We so appreciate each and every one of you, whether you stayed with us last season, in seasons past, or have come back year-after-year, as most of you do. Thank you!
Before we go any further, we are very, very happy to announce that there will be no increase in rates for the 2025 season. It seems that everything has become increasingly expensive over the past couple of years, however if we can save you some money on your much needed and well-deserved vacation, we will always try to do that by keeping our rates as affordable as possible for you.
In order to maintain the fair and very competitive rates we offer, a strong occupancy rate is crucial. Over the 12 months we operate, the summer peak season of July and August is naturally very busy and sought after, however that is only 2 months long. In the shoulder seasons of spring and fall, even though (in most cases) weekends gradually get booked to capacity, an increase in mid-week bookings (Sunday – Wednesday) would help us maintain our competitive rates and ability to continue working on constant improvements. We encourage you to spread the good word to friends, family and colleagues. Nothing like great ‘word-of-mouth’!
Just a few reminders/notes regarding this year’s upcoming season:
In the spring and fall seasons we rent on a 3-night minimum over weekends (starting Thursday- Saturday), with a 2-night minimum mid-week (in the window of Sunday - Wednesday), always with the option to stay longer. Consider a three night booking midweek to give yourself more opportunity to relax and enjoy your getaway! These opportunities go by so quickly and do not always come along often enough.
The summer season of July and August is weekly only (Saturday – Saturday).
Please note that this year (2025) is the earliest the summer dates can ever start and end, with Labour Day falling on September 1, whereas next year (2026) is the latest the summer weeks can start and end, with Labour Day on September 7. This means our first week of the summer season this year falls completely in the month of June: June 21 – 28, and the last week ends on Saturday, August 23 (the Saturday prior to the Labour Day weekend), after which we revert back to our 3-night minimum.
New: Season office hours are 7am – 9pm daily, 7 days a week
Spring and Fall check-in time is 3pm; Summer/late summer (June 21 - August 29) check-in time is 4pm. Check-out time is 9am, all seasons. Late check out requests can be made on a cottage-by-cottage basis.
We had a busy time last winter as we prepared for the 2024 season, with numerous projects on the go. We completed new decks on cottages #2 & #27, (never an easy task in the winter months), along with new flooring in the front mud room of #23 cottage, all new flooring throughout #28 cottage, new plumbing and flooring in the washroom of #25 cottage, as well as completely ripping out the flooring in cottage #26’s main room, kitchen and washroom. This was done for aesthetics/improvement purposes, and also in order to raise and level the building to the best of our abilities - which could only be done while the floor was open. It’s close to level (!), but still has a slight slope to make those late nights after the camp fire that much more fun!
As the weather started to improve, we immediately turned our attention to the outdoors in order to get ready for the May season opening. We pressure washed, then re-painted the shuffle board court. We then added new decks on each end of the shuffle board, (to go along with the new chairs), for a nice ‘finished’ look. We added a railing around the deck at the shuffle board gazebo in front of cottages #5 & #6 - which was again for a more finished look, but also to make it cozier and more comfortable! After building these new decks and railings, we stained all of the balusters to preserve the fresh new wood look. We were so pleased with the outcome that we went ahead and stained all railings and balusters of the existing cottage and gazebo decks.
As the ice melted away, we made our way to the waterfront and started to ‘unwrap’ and service the boats and motors. We had an extraordinary amount of rain in the month of April which raised the water levels to very unexpected highs, considering we had one of the lowest snow packs on record of all time, thus putting a real strain on the docks. We had forty-five 50 gallon barrels weighing in excess of 450 lbs per barrel to hold down different areas of the docks. (For those of you who were here for the first couple of weeks of the season you would have seen all of this first hand).
There was substantial damage to the Sunset Deck as well as the furthest (most vulnerable) walkway, where the largest boats park, that leads to the Canada Deck; however, we had the right people to do the work and were able to have the repairs complete once the water dropped.
Pulling out all of those barrels from our storage fenced area at the beach, (where they’ve sat for the past couple of years as they were not needed), prompted us to rebuild the fence around them; however… this ‘fence rebuild’ turned into a major undertaking – which is now known as the new ‘Upper Deck’! (Or sometimes the ‘Tree House’ or ‘Penthouse’ as some of you have named it). For those of you who were here during the first couple of months of the season it was a work in progress; however, as time went on, we had it fully equipped with a propane fire bowl, bar stools, electricity, and well lit up at night. What a wonderful improvement this is to our beach front, providing a great view (magnificent photo op - see images below), and a unique and enjoyable sitting area. Some of you even used it as your private outdoor office or live podcast spot while here. For those of you who did not make it last year, we know you will really enjoy this nice upgrade.
We put new engines on some of our boats this past season (boats #3, #5 & #7), to go along with the two new ones from the year prior (boats #6 & #12). They all come with newer technology from Mercury that involves getting away from the gears being in the handle, to a new lever system on the ‘arm’ of the engine. We are unsure at this point if we will upgrade any others for the upcoming season, however we are always prepared to do so if need be.
The fishing is always consistently strong in Lake Nipissing, and this past year was no different. The new’ish Walleye slot size of 40 – 45cm, (15.75” – 17.72” – to be exact), is a small ‘window’, however fish have proven to be plentiful. This will also be another year where Bass opens a month earlier, (third Saturday in May) than in years prior, which fortunately has not seemed to affect the spawning and overall density of this species.
We are currently in the heart of the ice fishing season, however were able to do the flooring in cottage #6 just in time before the winter guests’ arrival, and have ordered all new windows for the front office. (This will be the last of all windows to be replaced, finishing a process started over 5 years ago). We also have more lights ‘at the ready’ to go up around the camp this spring, to go along with a few more flamingos and palm trees, to ‘light up the night’ here at The Beam.
Just a reminder that we sell live bait: minnows, leeches & worms - this includes flats & ½ flats - and can take pre-orders for larger quantities to be ready for your arrival, or you can order when on-site for next day delivery. We also sell fishing licenses, as well as bagged ice, firewood, soft drinks, bottled water, ice cream bars, and Ben & Jerry’s pints of ice cream at our front office.
In closing, we sincerely thank you once again for your past and current support. Thank you as well for your positive comments and reviews, whether it be on Trip Advisor, Google review, or by word-of-mouth.
To a memorable Sunbeam 2025! Darren & Sarah